Articles in Getting a Job!
Alaska Job Strategy

After you have read through some of the sections on AlaskaFishingJobsNetwork and learned about the Alaska fishing industry and about the different job opportunities in the the Alaska fishing industry, we recommend you read our …
Alaska Fishing Industry Job Alert

Summer is a great time to work in Alaska. Although many jobs are filled before the summer season, there are lots of jobs still available. Depending on the region, in some areas the salmon season …
Best Alaska Commercial Fishing Towns for Work

Here is a list of our top ten Alaska towns to work in:
In Southeast Alaska we think the best places to work are:
Petersburg, Sitka, and Ketchikan. Also, the city of Juneau is Alaska’s capital city. …
Dutch Harbor – The Hub for Winter Alaska Fisheries Jobs

Although there are fishing industries jobs in many other towns in Alaska during the winter, Dutch Harbor is definitely the hub of activity as the town supports many of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Island …
Pollock “A” Season Starts In January

The lucrative Pollock Mothership “A” Season starts in January and runs through April. The “B” season begins in June and goes into October. The “C” and “D” seasons begin in August and October respectively. Job …
Tanner Crab Season Starts In January
The Eastern Aleutians Bairdi Tanner Crab season starts on January 15th.